Saturday, June 30, 2007

A few basic things.

In provincial capital for the weekend. Yes, yes, I know, two weekends out of site in a row, but I need it! Last weekend was incredible, even if it was just one short night, and this weekend is proving to be a lot of fun. We found a cheap hotel...with a pool! In the land of no ice and no air conditioning, there's nothing like jumping in a freezing cold swimming pool. Oh, I want to go back right now.

It's been an interesting week. The most interesting day by far was Wednesday, site visit day. I went to my souk town and after catching up with another volunteer I haven't seen in a month, our Program Assistant came and we all chatted for about three hours. We got posters that we can use with health lessons (the same posters we made in training, but big and laminated and beautiful), and I got a brand new, beautiful, shiny bike delivered right to my house. Awesome.

I also got two care packages and a letter, so it was really like Christmas had come early. So, YES, my address works, so let me know if you don't have my address.

I'm being lazy right now and don't feel like updating. Hopefully next update will be more substantial. Until then, take care, much love, etc.


Unknown said...

Great that the packages came...Did you like what was in there?

Hope all is well this week. I have orientation at the hospital Monday. Now that I know you get letters, I will write to you!

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Katy -

Please send me your address again!

We love you,

Nancy and Lucas